Pilates builds strength without bulking up the body resulting in a firmer and toner body.




Pilates is a system of exercises invented by Joseph Pilates during World War I when the army needed to rehabilitate soldiers. These exercises emphasize the “core” muscles of the human body, those being the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and lower back. Control of the core is also achieved though integration with the trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle.

Pilates builds strength without bulking up the body resulting in a firmer and toner body. The exercises also improve strength, flexibility, posture and overall alignment of the body’s muscles and skeleton.


Throughout the years, Pilates has expanded to include a system of exercises on various pieces of equipment including fitballs, props or just a simple mat.

We offer a Pilates mat, pilates reformer (private and group classes) and pilates studio private classes for all skill levels. We also offer pre- and post- natal pilates too!

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